Assistive Listening Signage: A Guide

Handicapped Accessible (International Symbol of Access)

This sign denotes a handicapped accessible parking area, or generally areas that are reserved for handicapped individuals. It does not mean that assistive listening technology is present in the facility. This symbol is governed by the International Standards Organization as part of ISO 7001.

Assistive Listening Available

This sign denotes a handicapped accessible parking area, or generally areas that are reserved for handicapped individuals. It does not mean that assistive listening technology is present in the facility. This symbol is governed by the International Standards Organization as part of ISO 7001.

Telecoil / Hearing Loop Available

This sign denotes that a Telecoil / Hearing loop type assistive listening system is present in a a facility (we discus this later in this article). The ADA requires that this pictorial symbol be displayed to inform those with hearing aids equipped with telecoils that the hearing loop service is available at the particular venue. The “T” stands for telecoil.

TTY / TTD System Available

This symbol denotes the presence of a Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TTD) or TTY (TeleTYpewriter). This is a type of device that converts text to speech and vice versa to enable deaf people to converse over the phone or other telecommunications equipment.

Amplified Telephone Available

This symbol denotes the presence of an amplified phone system. This type of system allows users with a degree of hearing impairment to amplify the voice signal so that they can hear the caller more clearly.

Hi – I’m Will and I started this company to help you find the best assistive listening equipment for you.

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